Leadership & Community Building

The StargazerNews

Wellness & Hope

Senior Student Leadership

Recently the Grade 11 and 12 students spent two days with ALIVE Outdoors staff focusing on hope. Brene Brown shares that, “Hope is a function of struggle”. In a year that has looked unlike any other, Grade 11 students took time to think about their inventory of gifts and the many qualities that they are grateful for and worked on goal setting as they aspire to become leaders in the coming year both within and outside the walls of HNMCS.

The message of hope that Jalynn Bosley shared with our Grade 12’s, highlighted Brown’s idea that, “Hope is not an emotion; it’s a way of thinking or a cognitive process”, reminding them that they have the ability to process their struggles and the emotions attached with being leaders, leaving a legacy and setting out the next steps of their lives is theirs to seize.

Both groups spent time asynchronously working on Hope Maps, where they thoughtfully laid out their hopes, the barriers they may face and the ways in which they can tackle the challenges that may arise head on and carve a hopeful path for their future; one that is theirs to create.

Grade 9 Workshop: Self-Care

The Grade 9 students worked on spoken word poetry surrounding self-care, confidence and finding their voice in part one of their workshop. Each student created a self- care wheel to remind them of the ways in which they can best care for themselves in stressful times or when they are faced with struggle. Students will continue their work in May as they look towards Grade 10 and what they hope to accomplish over the next 3 years of high school.

Grade 10 Workshop: Intention

Grade 10 students focused on intention. Girls were encouraged to think about their intentions for themselves and create a self-care vision board to help them remember their goals for themselves and affirmations to help them be achieved.

Middle School Community Building

Our Middle School students have been working on building community and while online, had the opportunity to take part in paint evenings lead by the Student Life Council. Each grade had the opportunity to work on a painting and socialize together outside of the classroom. In March, the Student Life Council will be hosting the next session of these evenings, with Cookie Decorating and Games Night and a grade level movie evening!
