Roadmap to Re-opening: 2021-22

Roadmap to Re-Opening

Head of School Message

Welcome everyone:

We are so excited that September 2021 will start with a full school of HNMCS students!

As we launch into a year that will thankfully look and feel differently from last year, and with the return to sport, co curriculars and all girls in the school, it will again begin to feel more like what we know and love about HNMCS. There will be more information coming around Student Life at HNMCS in the 2021-22 school year. Please see the Family Handbook for more information about lockers, textbooks, and the uniform.

Although 2020-2021 was another year of change and adaptation, we are happy to announce that the strategic plan - Route 2026 and the upcoming announcement of the Campus Master plan will put a new focus and excitement around the campus. The Family Handbook allows all of our families to have one place to find what they need about the school - and if it is not in there, please, let us know. With our 2021-2022 school theme of opportunities, we are really excited by what is yet to come - Imagine all of the opportunities.

With the new announcement from the Ministry of Education on the updated health and safety protocols for schools, we feel confident in welcoming our girls, the teachers, and staff back to a caring and safe community. Please find our latest updates in the document below.

Stay safe and see you soon.


Carrie Hughes-Grant
Head of School

Mission & Vision

HNMCS empowers young women to transform the world through intellectual curiosity and personal growth as grounded in the Catholic traditions of the Felician Sisters and Basilian Fathers.

Our Vision is to build a Connected Community dedicated to developing Curious, Courageous and Compassionate young women

cu·ri·ous /ˈkyo͝orēəs/ adj

Young women making a difference in the world with their unwavering intellectual curiosity, a confidence to question, the patience to listen and the ability to evaluate the information received.

cou·ra·geous /kəˈrājəs/ adj

Nurturing young women in an environment that encourages them to take risks, embrace change, cultivate positive relationships and bravely stand by their convictions.

com·pas·sion·ate /kəmˈpaSHənət/ adj

Graduating girls who exhibit empathy through active, caring service towards others, while understanding the need for spiritual self-care throughout their lives.