Girls Night In 2023

The StargazerNews

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Girls just want to have fun and that is exactly what the grade 9 students did during HNMCS’ 15th annual Girls’ Night In. On October 13th the grade 9's were involved in an action packed, sleepover event filled with excitement, high spirits and community building. They participated in meaningful workshops about trust, self-identity and goal setting. They shared a meal together, laughed together and passed many hours spending quality time with their peers on massive blow-up mattresses in the gym! Memories were made and good times had by all involved.

The focus of this event is to aid the girls in developing healthy relationships and friendships while also providing time for self-reflection. In addition, one of the most important themes of the event was learning to have the confidence to be their authentic selves, which can be challenging in a social media driven society. The bonds the girls have made can still be felt in the halls while the peer-mentorship has created relationships that will last throughout their high-school years and beyond.

Thank you to all those involved in preparation of the event and making it such a success. A special thank you to our grade 12 leaders who showcased their exceptional leadership skills and enthusiasm throughout the event.

- Ms. Jennifer Apuzzo, Faculty & Guidance