Grade 9 – Outdoor Excursion

The StargazerNews

Experiencing the natural world helps students develop an appreciation for the environment, creativity and their own physical abilities and is a catalyst for personal, social and spiritual growth.

On Friday 1 October the grade 9s spent a wonderful fall day at Bronte Park with Alive Outdoors, Ms. Makari, Ms. DiMauro and Dr. Kozma. The day was filled with laughter with the girls making new connections and simply enjoying themselves.

The morning started off with rotation activities that included team work, dancing and getting to know each other. We all took a new perspective on the simple game of tic-tac-toe.

The grade 9s ended their day with a two hour hike to a river where they collected natural items to share their goals for the upcoming year. With words and phrases such as, “friends”, “ambition”, “joy”, “productivity”, “have fun”, “humble”, “swag”, and “authentic”, the grade 9s are determined to “slay” this year!
