HNMCS Robotics hosted the third annual STEM Day at HNMCS where students from all grades were engaged in fun and exciting activities, chosen to excite our all-girl community in STEM.
The grade 5s made magnetic pens and they were able to learn how forces of attraction work. The grade 6s got into the Christmas spirit and assembled their own electrical circuits to create personalized light-up Christmas cards. The grade 7s participated in a Christmas themed math activity where they had to solve math equations where the answers were matched to specific colours. These colours were then used to adorn their math ornaments. The grade 8s were able to drive the competition and practice robots in a friendly competition of the FIRST Robotics 2019 Game - Destination Deep Space.
In senior school, the grade 9s explored the science behind making catapults. The grade 10s built DNA models while the grade 11s got hands on experience with casting. Finally, the grade 12s took a spirited trip down memory lane answering math, science and trivia questions from their years at HNMCS. They put the STEAM to STEM with special Christmas ornaments.
DXC Visit: On January 10, 2020, 7 members of the HNMCS Robotics team met with our sponsor DXC Technology to discuss the team’s progress and growth over the last year. We began by explaining the accomplishments, initiatives and community involvement that make our team stand out. We spoke from the heart, using the slides only as a background, and were able to convey our passion and love for robotics. It was really well received.
The main goal of the meeting was to convey the importance of having STEM integrated into our female community. Too often, girls are discouraged from pursuing careers and education in STEM and we are trying to break this glass ceiling. Our team is dedicated to and very outspoken about our love for showing girls what’s possible. DXC is a STEM-focused company and they were impressed with all of our accomplishments and initiatives in the community. We exchanged thoughts on different robotics-related topics and experiences while learning more about how to manage and support our team.
Girls In STEM Day at McMaster University: HNMCS Robotics spent a day at the McMaster Automotive Resource Centre (MARC), exploring STEM programs. Team members learnt about McMaster’s Automotive Design Teams such as the ECO Car and Baha teams, toured the MARC facility and participated in STEM challenges. It was inspiring for the girls to see a future after FIRST Robotics.

Business Brunch: HNMCS Robotics hosted the 2nd annual Business Brunch with Orbit Robotics last November. The event allowed our business savvy students to showcase their abilities and knowledge within and of the field. We invited professionals from different sectors in the corporate world, as well as recent graduates, to join us for brunch, thus giving our students the opportunity to mingle, learn, and most importantly, eat waffles!
Hack-A-Thon at Q4 Inc: Members of HNMCS Robotics had the unique opportunity to visit and participate in a HackAThon at Q4 Inc. The girls got to see a leading software company in action. They also participated in a HackAThon where they worked on teams in various capacities such as creativity, pitch, innovation and feasibility of the solution to the challenge of Connecting the Dots at Q4 Inc.