Spring Retreats

The StargazerNews

He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.
- Luke 10:27

On Monday, May 9th, the grade 10 classes joined together for their annual Religion Retreat at Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre. This year’s retreat was centred on what it means to “Love one another.”

The Grade 10 Religion Course invites students to learn about and personalise the Gospel values and social justice principles to better understand our call to love others. During this year’s retreat, students reflected on how the world’s definition of love can often differ from the Christ-like love we learn and experience through Jesus. By examining what it means to be human, sacred, and loved by God, students examined how to live out this call to love, both personally and socially and identified some of the internal and external factors that may interfere with living out this call today.

Following the grade 10 retreat, the grade 9 classes joined together for their retreat on Tuesday, May 10th. This year’s retreat was centred on what it means to be “Created in the Image and Likeness of God.” Through discussion and a variety of reflective activities, students gained a deeper understanding of who God is and who He made us to be.

Both the grade 9 & 10 retreat days ended with students using their talents and creativity to create flower-themed art pieces, bracelets, rings, flower crowns, and more, that were then sold at a Craft Sale at “Flower Fest.” Together, the grade 9 & 10 classes raised over $130 from the sale of their items. All funds from the sale were donated to the “Boys & Girls Club".

- Ms. Sarah DiMauro, Chaplain & Religion
