A Capitol Adventure
This year, the Grade 7 and 8 classes boarded a coach bus and went on a fun and educational trip through the heart of American history. This enthusiastic group of students left bright and early on Monday morning, heading first to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where one of the pivotal battles of the Civil War took place. A stop at the visitors centre and then a bus tour with a local guide helped to bring the battle to life.
Then it was on to Washington, DC! As the bus rolled into the capital city of the United States, excitement was in the air. The hotel, conveniently located in the heart of downtown, ensured that they were never more than a short walk away from all of the amazing sites that the city has to offer. On their daily excursions, the girls toured the White House Visitor’s Centre and walked the length of the National Mall. They also had the chance to visit two of the Smithsonian museums, The Museum of Natural History and The Museum of American History, where they completed scavenger hunts based on the exhibits and artefacts that were on display.

Their nights were busy too. During a twilight bus tour, the girls visited the various monuments that line the National Mall. From the towering Washington Monument, to the memorials for Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Vietnam Veterans, the girls were reminded of the ideals and sacrifices that have shaped world history. Other popular evening events included playing bocce ball, and a boat cruise along the Potomac River with other Middle School students from around the United States.
In addition to all the educational opportunities Washington holds, this trip allowed the students to build new friendships and strengthen old ones. The memories made and lessons learned on this trip will stay with these young ladies for a lifetime.
- Ms. Guay, Grade 8 Core Teacher